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Equity and Inclusion Virtual Speaker Series

Learn With Us!

POCIS Northwest’s Equity and Inclusion Virtual Speaker Series offers our communities and beyond the opportunity to connect, learn, and engage in topics about equity, inclusion, and antiracist education and action.

The purpose of this series is to raise awareness, challenge ourselves, deepen understanding, and empower our communities to advance their efforts to actively recreate systems into equitable, inclusive, and antiracist institutions. The program invites 4-5 speakers throughout the academic year, providing access to recognized authors and speakers who engage participants in complex topics through dialogue and cross-cultural communication.

The virtual speaker series is intended to lead to a deeper understanding of the impact racism and oppression have in our institutions and the greater society. These virtual events are free and accessible to all regardless of POCIS Northwest membership.

This Year’s Speakers

In this virtual keynote, participants will learn how to use a number of strategies to cultivate the kind of emotional resilience needed to build equitable schools. Participants will anchor in their values and purpose, explore how to navigate uncomfortable emotions, and learn why emotional resilience is the missing element in most equity endeavors. Participants will recognize and appreciate the connection between cultivating their own resilience and building equitable schools, learn how to use simple strategies to cultivate their emotional resilience when building equitable schools, and understand the critical importance of emotional resilience when building equitable schools. 

Elena Aguilar is an author, coach, and CEO. Elena Aguilar has worked in education since 1994. Her years of teaching, coaching, and leading teams in the Oakland, CA public schools deeply inform the eight books she’s written and the trainings she designs and facilitates. Elena is committed to creating equitable schools and organizations where everyone thrives. She founded Bright Morning in 2017 to advance this vision. See Elena’s Bio HERE and learn more about Bright Morning HERE. 

Past Presenters